Episode #12 - Jeff Risom

The Neutral Project
June 5, 2024
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0:40 - Meet Jeff Risom

13:58 - What is human-centric design

17:30 - The difference between human- and life-centered design

19:12 - What is system-living methodology?

24:30 - The intersection of health, sustainability, and economic development

27:20 - The 15-Minute City

33:30 - Jeff’s essay on Urban Kindness for Beginner’s

37:15 - How does kindness relate to urban development

41:40 - Intertwining social sciences with cities and design

Episode Summary 

We sat down with Jeff Risom who is the Chief Innovation Officer at Gehl to explore design methods in urban planning and sustainable city building. His unique perspective as an American who has lived in Copenhagen for the better part of 20 years is fascinating.

Listen as we dig into the innovative system-living methodology, its impact on our daily lives, and how that ties into human health, sustainability, and economic development.


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